The power workers of Kamet-Stal restore a cable overpass for reliable power supply of coke chemical production
Increased sustainability and reduced cost: rolling specialists have mastered the manufacture of replaceable equipment for the process line 200
Crushing Plant Equipment Is Being Repaired at Central GOK
Kamet-Steel's Coke Shop Upgrades Important Process Equipment
Kamet Steel Completes First Stage of Revamp of CCM# 2 Electrical Equipment
Metinvest Central GOK performs important repairs of beneficiation equipment
У конвертерному цеху розпочався новий етап освоєння технології стопорного розливання сталі
У цеху мереж та підстанцій Запоріжсталі встановлено систему контролю доступу
Kamet Steel Embarks On 2024 Major Overhaul Programme for Hot Blast Stoves
Kamet Steel's Unique Axle Rolling Mill Produces This Year's First Lot of Railcar Axles
Zaporizhzhia Coke Continues to Overhaul Coke Oven Battery #2
Zaporizhstal Completes the First Stage of Major Overhaul of Blast Furnace #3
Metinvest's Central GOK Upgrades Equipment for Pellet Production
Kamet-Steel implemented a project to stabilise coke oven gas pressure in the company's system
Metinvest's Northern Iron Ore Enrichment Works Upgrading Special Equipment
Kamet-Steel mastered a new type of metallurgical equipment maintenance and repair
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