Modernization 6/21/2024 Read 4 min

Zaporizhstal shut down blast furnace #4 for major overhaul

Zaporizhstal of Metinvest Group, in accordance with the investment programme of the enterprise, has started the overhaul of blast furnace #4. The total cost of repairs will be more than UAH 92 mln.

Since 19 May, blast furnace #4 has been shut down for major overhaul of the 3rd category. The key works that are planned to be carried out as part of the renewal are the replacement of the tricone charging device, the repair of the equipment of the casthouse, the charge supply and the key units of the air heater, etc. The work will last for 8 days.

Also, as part of the major overhaul, it is planned to carry out maintenance of the dedusting system of the casthouse and the stockhouse of blast furnace No. 4, which will ensure the reliable operation of environmental equipment during furnace operation. It is worth reminding that the furnace got an effective cleaning unit as part of a major reconstruction in 2014.

The experienced specialists of the blast furnace shop, Metinvest-Promservice, Zaporozhgneupor and Etalonbudservice were involved in the major overhaul.

It should be noted that Zaporizhstal, as part of the programme for environmental modernization of production, systematically invests in projects for reconstruction and maintenance of the main production facilities. Since 2012, the plant has allocated about UAH 5 bln for the renovation of blast furnaces, main units and assemblies of blast furnace process.

Renewal and maintenance of the main production facilities and environmental equipment of the plant is the systematic work of the enterprise. In particular, earlier this year, Zaporizhstal blew up blast furnace #2 after a major overhaul. The plant allocated more than UAH 85 mln for the renewal of the blast furnace.

It should be reminded that during the full-scale war in 2022-2023, Zaporizhstal spent more than UAH 1.2 bln to upgrade production equipment and treatment facilities that operate as a single set. During the full-scale invasion, the programme focused on maintaining and updating equipment to ensure its stable and reliable operation in unforeseen conditions of wartime.