Kamet Steel's energy technicians complete major overhaul of steam generating unit
Repairs on schedule: Mills have been replaced at Metinvest Central Iron Ore
Power engineers of Kamet Steel implement reliability projects to ensure power supply to the BOF Shop
Metinvest Northern Iron Ore carries out major overhaul of 4.5 km of tracks
Metinvest Central Iron Ore has upgraded the equipment at its ore beneficiation plant
In 2024, Kamet Steel steelmakers developed 13 new types of steel products
Kamet Steel's AKAr-40/35 Air Separation Unit Back in Operation
На дробильній фабриці ЦГЗК Метінвесту оновлюють основне устаткування
Metinvest Central Iron Ore Upgrades Railway Tracks
Kamet-Steel Conducts Overhaul of the Main Air Distribution Unit
Zaporizhstal confirms compliance of its integrated management system with international standards
Zaporizhstal completes major overhauls of its key rolling mills
Metinvest Iron Ore Plants Prepared to Work During the Winter Period
Metinvest's Central GOK Repairs Pelletizing Plant Equipment
Northern GOK of Metinvest Completed the Induration Machine Repairs
Kamet-Steel's 400/200 Rolling Mill Completes Key Stage of Staged Major Overhaul
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