Central GOK's Crushers Replace the Longest Conveyor Belt
Metinvest's Northern GOK Completes Equipment Upgrades at Processing Complex and Water Supply Shop
Прокатники Каметсталі досягли промислових обсягів виробництва профілю СВП-27
Kamet-Steel: modernisation of compressor fleet with focus on energy efficiency
CGOK beneficiation technicians perform maintenance and repairs on critical plant equipment
Metinvest Promservice masters a new type of repair at Kamet Steel
Processing equipment upgraded at Metinvest's Northern Iron Ore
Kamet Steel Overhauls its Main Heating Equipment
Pit Stop for Blast Furnace: Kamet Steel Overhauled BF-1M
Equipment Upgraded at Central GOK's Crushing Plant
Northern GOK specialists find solutions for efficient operation of Hannivskyi Quarry
24-hour pit stop: Metinvest's Central GOK holds annual maintenance day
Operation Automation: Zaporizhstal sinter shop is set to upgrade its charge feeders
Kametstal upgrades switches for TPP production units
A new "home" for electrical equipment: a key substation is being reconstructed at Kamet Steel
Mixer has been put into operation at KAMET-STEEL after major overhaul
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