Modernization 8/8/2024 Read 2 min

A new "home" for electrical equipment: a key substation is being reconstructed at Kamet Steel

New European equipment for reliable power supply of production. In July, the company began a complete overhaul of the Novodomemnna substation.

This is a tie-substation that is part of Kamet Steel's "energy island." It supplies power to the blast furnace shop's production, the blast furnace cooling system, and other key equipment at the plant. 

The substation's long-term operation in harsh conditions, due to its proximity to the water tunnel, necessitates a complete upgrade of the equipment. Most importantly, it will be relocated to a more suitable room designed for electrical equipment. 

As part of the reconstruction, a new 6 kV switchgear with 12 cells will be installed in the new building. This modern, compact European-made equipment, just nine meters long, will come with nine vacuum circuit breakers that have automatic voltage detection on the cable. This cutting-edge technology prevents personnel from making errors during operational switchovers by using interlocking features, which greatly enhances employee safety. 

Contractors' specialists are currently installing the 6 kV switchgear at the installation site prepared in advance. Steel structures for the cable route are also being installed to facilitate the connection of new cells. The final stage of work involves dismantling of the decommissioned equipment. 

"Ensuring an uninterrupted power supply for main production and maintaining the reliability of Kamet Steel's "energy island" are key priorities for the plant’s power engineers. The complete overhaul of the Novodomenna substation will ensure smooth operation for the plant's main consumers, enhance power supply quality, and improve personnel safety. We're conducting the reconstruction without shutting down the substation. The setup has been adjusted to ensure continuous power supply for production and to provide a safe working environment for the contractors," says Viktor BOLOTOV, Head of the Networks and Substations Department.