A veteran employee of ZAPOROZHOGNEUPOR: "Returning to civilian life after the front begins with family support"
It's never too late: a resident of Zaporizhzhia masters a new profession and receives professional education, having 20 years of experience
First aid training underway at Zaporizhstal
Employees of Metinvest’s consolidated mining complex participate in emotional resilience training
Over a thousand theory and practice instructors perform training at Metinvest mining and processing plants
Metallurgist Hanna Yefymenko: “In our work, professionalism matters more than gender”
Veteran Ruslan Sutkovyi met with young people and students
Employees of Metinvest's mining and processing plants learn the algorithm of safe actions in case of blackouts
Vending service at Kamet Steel – comfort and convenience for employees
Фахові секрети з рук у руки: досвідчені шахтарі ЦГЗК навчають нових робітників
Керує мрією: машиніст тепловоза Запоріжсталі продовжує родинну справу
Metinvest Held Customer Focus Conference at Kamet Steel
Veteran Maksym Kryvopyskyi: "After returning from the war, I realised that I need to appreciate every hour of my life"
They built, revived, and are still working: the Suprun family's fate is bound with Zaporizhcoke
"Funnyman" for friends, and retribution for the enemy: the story of Serhii Harkusha, veteran-scout
Оперативно та злагоджено: на Північному ГЗК провели навчання з залученням протипожежних ланок та ланок долікарської допомоги
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