Repairs have been completed and the laundry has been equipped in the amenity building at Petrivskyi open pit, Central Iron Ore. The company invested over UAH 2 mln to carry out the project.
The laundry now features neat, light-coloured rooms, new equipment and an overall sense of cleanliness. This is where workers from Petrivskyi open pit, Mining and Transport Shop No. 2, Motor Transport Shop, Railway Transport Department and Substation Network Shop can have their work clothes washed. Overall, this facility ensures high-quality and timely washing services for the work clothes of 1,200 employees.
"Starting in early November, the workers of Petrivskyi production site can now have their work clothes washed in a new, comfortable laundry facility. I believe our workers, who tackle important and challenging tasks daily in the mining industry, will truly appreciate the upgraded, modernized facilities with new equipment and furniture. We are confident that more social projects for our workers will be implemented. That’s why we’re all working together for Victory, ensuring the stable operation of our enterprise,” said Olena NAZARENKO, head of the shop trade union committee of Petrivskyi open pit.

The high volume of laundry at Petrivskyi open pit amenity building necessitates specialized equipment, waterproof materials for the premises and reliable infrastructure, including electrical networks, heating, water supply and ventilation. The experts considered all of this while conducting the major repairs. After removing the old networks and wall cladding in the laundry room, the plumbing was redone, ceramic tiles were installed on the walls and floor, and a practical suspended ceiling was added. Special foundations were built to ensure the equipment was installed securely. Along with the existing washing machines, we added a water heater, tumble dryer, boiler, dehumidifier, floor dryers and metal racks.
"At Metinvest, people have always been and will always remain the top priority. That's why we go above and beyond to provide them with comfortable working conditions. This includes facilities like on-site canteens, amenity rooms, bathhouses and, notably, laundries. Our miners have truly earned this through their hard work every day. When our employees feel valued and supported, they're motivated to perform at their best. This positively impacts the overall results," noted Andriy SHCERBAK, Director of Human Resources and Social Affairs at Metinvest Integrated Iron Ore.
At the moment, significant repairs are underway at the laundries of the crushing plant of Central Iron Ore and Kolachevskyi mine. Completion of the work is scheduled for 2025.