Metinvest mining complex specialists train for emergencies
Employees of Metinvest's Integrated GOK improved their first aid skills
Building Kametstal's future: The key to success lies in a professional team
“If we want to call ourselves Ukrainians, we have to do something for it”: the story of a man from Kryvyi Rih who returned from Poland to defend Ukraine
For a stronger team: Metinvest’s consolidated ore mining and processing plant conducts rotation
About Line Managers, Employee Support, Women in Men’s Positions, and Team Strength
To support the country's economy: women take up male professions at Metinvest's mining and processing plants
Kamet Steel presses ahead with its 2024 employee welfare programme
Good sign: the day before mobilisation, Serhii Kotlubai rescued a swan in the open-pit mine
"Gained a foothold in a new position": after two years at the front, stormtrooper Vladyslav Yegorov began his professional career at Northern GOK
“A legal salary means confidence in the future, which is particularly valuable in times of uncertainty”
Power engineer Danylo Myronenko: I am continuing the family tradition at Zaporizhstal
The Team of Zaporizhstal's Hot Rolling Shop Celebrates its 86th Anniversary
Team of Colliery Group "Pokrovs'ke": Working for Сountry
Zaporizhstal managers take Leadership during the War training course
Metinvest is Ukraine's Pillar: Highlights for 11 – 17 March
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