Honorary Metallurgist of Ukraine from Zaporizhzhia was congratulated on his anniversary
Zaporizhstal invests over UAH 23 million in workplace improvements in 2024
Zaporizhstal confirms compliance of its integrated management system with international standards
Zaporizhstal completes major overhauls of its key rolling mills
Zaporizhstal Held 48th Scientific and Technical Youth Conference
“Zaporizhstal” minimizes risks when working with oxygen equipment
It's never too late: a resident of Zaporizhzhia masters a new profession and receives professional education, having 20 years of experience
Ambassadors of precision: Zaporizhstal metrologists celebrate their professional day
Metallurgist Hanna Yefymenko: “In our work, professionalism matters more than gender”
Veteran Ruslan Sutkovyi met with young people and students
Керує мрією: машиніст тепловоза Запоріжсталі продовжує родинну справу
Life-saving equipment: new defibrillators installed at Zaporizhstal medical stations
Бойовий медик Володимир Дзябко: «Головне завдання – зберегти життя»
Anna Buhaiova, a team leader from Zaporizhstal, "While my husband is defending the country, I am strengthening the production front"
Запоріжсталь допомагає своїм співробітникам у відновленні будинків, постраждалих від атак ворога
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