The team of Zaporizhstal's Railway Transport Department performs important tasks every day to ensure rail transportation.
Railway communication is the main transportation artery of the plant. In peacetime, diesel locomotives ran the railroads of Zaporizhstal and transported raw materials for the sinter plant and blast furnaces, received "newborn" hot metal and steel, delivered steel ingots to rolling shops, transported finished products, etc. When the war broke out, the plant’s railroad did not stop operating. Successfully overcoming the difficulties of the time, the railway team continues to work for the victory.

A team of specialists
Every day, several locomotives with crews of railroaders work in Railway Department divisions. Locomotive drivers and their assistants, car-building workers, dispatchers, duty officers and shift supervisors continue to work in the operation shop. The team of specialists helps to carry out all internal and external transportation without any delays, ensures stable operation of the plant's railway districts and keeps a finger on the pulse day and night.
Alisher Zakirov, a diesel locomotive driver, and his assistant driver Andrey Kornev are also working heroically on the labor front today. Every work shift the experienced locomotive crew is on the plant's tracks. Thanks to their professionalism, cargoes are delivered to the divisions in one piece, on time and without delays.
- Our work requires attention, focus and experience. We know all the railroad tracks of Zaporizhstal perfectly. And working in a team that gives us inspiration is a pleasure, despite all the difficulties, - Alisher ZAKIROV said.

Denis Griukov, Railway Department dispatcher, says that the challenges of the times have not confused the railroaders, but rather united them and set a new vector for their activities and development. He holds his position for more than four years. He manages transportation, draws up locomotive schedules and is responsible for the timeliness of cargo transportation.
– External risks caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation leave a certain imprint on the working days of the Railway team. But despite this, our specialists continue to do their job well, - Denis GRIUKOV says.
The employees of the shop are different: by character, preferences, age. But together they create a cohesive and efficient team that can solve even the most difficult work issue.

Railcar inspectors Artem Shuliak and Ivan Novytsky have been working at the plant for a long time. The specialists monitor the serviceability of the rolling stock before it starts running. The work is responsible because the safety of the locomotive and the locomotive crew depends on the result.
– In any weather and season, we work 100% because we understand the responsibility we have. We have to detect malfunctions that threaten traffic safety before the traffic starts. Because, in addition to military risks, there are internal risks. So we are working to reduce them, - Artem SHULIAK added.
Denis Khromey, head of the rolling stock service at Railway Department, notes that the hard work of railroaders is even more important in times of war. Nowadays, Zaporizhstal railway workers are a reliable support for the plant and the country.