In the beginning of the year, Ingulets GOK of Metinvest Group organized training courses for employees to obtain a second qualification in the following professions: conveyor operator, mill operator and pump operator.
Currently, 42 employees from different business units of the Iron Ore Enrichment Works are being trained in three groups. For a month and a half, they will study the theoretical part, which is taught by experienced production training instructors of the company. Together with them, the members of courses will share their experience, analyze various production situations and look for ways to solve them.
"For me, learning another profession is a chance to gain new knowledge. The profession of a pump operator will give me the opportunity to improve my skills and become a cross functional specialist. I will be able to help my colleagues at any time, because our main task is to ensure the production of concentrate," Katerina Polenok, an electrician on duty and on equipment repair at Ingulets open pit.

Upon completion of the theoretical training, the members of the course will undergo two months of practical training at ore beneficiation plants. There, the future conveyor operators will learn to control the process of ore transportation, mill operators will understand the stages of crushing and grinding, classification of crushed ore and its preparation for beneficiation, and pump operators will master the start-up and shutdown of equipment, control and adjustment of slurry parameters.
"Obtaining qualifications in technological professions is important now, as we need to form a high-potential employee pool that will be able to start working at ore beneficiation plants if necessary. The professions of conveyor, mill and pump operators are the most needed specialities today. Therefore, after the professional training of employees, we will be able to attract more highly qualified specialists," Oleksandr Suzdal, head of InCOK's Ore Beneficiation Plant #2, says.
In the near future, personnel training and development department of Ingulets GOK plans to organize courses for separator operators, electric and gas welders and electricians. Obtaining additional qualifications will allow employees to work in a second profession if necessary and provide new opportunities for specialists to work at the enterprise.