A tank truck based on MAN chassis, which is used in man-caused and fire emergency situations, started operating at DNIPROVSKYI COKE PLANT. Metinvest allocated UAH 5 million for purchase of the new machinery.
The fire truck is equipped with breathing apparatus, hydraulic and pneumatic devices, motor pump, generator and other lifesaving equipment. The capacity is 4.5 tons of water and 450 liters of foam agent. Ejection of jet with a capacity of 60 liters per second helps quickly localize and stifle any fire.

DNIPROVSKYI COKE PLANT begins new year with an important business at the enterprise and for the city. We are handing over the fire truck purchased by Metinvest to our rescuers. They are on duty at the plant and counteract fires in Kamenskoye. So, the new machinery is the company's contribution to the safety of both employees and residents of the city. Also, the entire personnel of NFRB-35 receives sets of modern overalls from the enterprise, due to this the safety of rescuers during the execution of service will increase.
— Dmitry LIPPA, General Director of DNIPROVSKYI COKE PLANT.The tank truck was handed over for operation to NFRB #35, which ensures fire and technogenic safety of metallurgical division of the enterprise. This is the first new car in the fire rescue brigade in the last 20 years.