The team of Mine construction and assembly direction #1 (MCAAD #1) of Metinvest Pokrovsk Coal completed the installation of supporting steel structures of the permanent headframe of downcast ventilating shaft #3 (DVS #3).
Colliery Group "POKROVS'KE" continues to implement the program of capital construction. Construction of industrial facilities is a long and difficult way. Now it unites the efforts of hundreds of specialists of Metinvest Pokrovsk Coal's enterprises to achieve one common goal - the construction of block 11. This will ensure the future for thousands of miners and their families, the development of the city and the region.
- We started the works at downcast ventilating shaft #3 in spring, - Yevgeniy SERDIUK, the head of section No.8 of MCAAD #1, says. - The facility was prepared in several stages. Together with specialists of Mine construction company, we carried out the excavation of the pit for the foundations of the new headframe of DVS #3, and in parallel with this, we assembled the reinforcement cage of the foundations, and then we proceeded to construct foundations with a total volume of 216 cubic meters of concrete. At the end of July, we started the installation of supporting steel structures of the permanent headframe of DVS #3.

The height of the DVS #3 headframe is 49 meters
For six months, the team performed a large volume of work. The total weight of steel structures of the permanent headframe is 255 tons. It is assembled from quality components manufactured at Zaporizhzhia Foundry and Mechanical Plant. The construction design turned out to be strong and reliable. To do the work with such a large weight, a Liebherr crane with an increased capacity of 300 tons was brought to the construction site for the installation period.
- On the New Year eve, we completed an important stage of construction work at the block 11 - we installed the supporting steel structures of the DVS #3 headframe. But the volume of work that still needs to be done by the team is large. Next, we will start dismantling the steel structures of the temporary headframe, as well as the sheave wheels of the tower hoist, which will be installed on the new headframe, - Dmytro TSURKAN, acting director of MCAAD #1, said.
Two teams under the guidance of experienced steel structure erectors Yuriy Bachurin and Oleksandr Zymohliad worked at the construction of the headframe at the same time. Every day about 10 specialists prepared the facility for work. Despite the small number, the team completed the complex task on timely basis.