"I had no doubts – I made the right choice", Nataliia Sheihus
Women in Steel Industry: Story of Steelworker Yana Pleshyvenko
На Запоріжсталі навчають адаптації ветеранів до мирного життя
Руйнує стереотипи про «слабку» стать: історія Олександри Алексеєнко
Olga Kalcheva: "I appreciate Kamet-Steel for its stability and friendly team"
Easily operates a large crane: a frail female metallurgist from Zaporizhstal about her "unladylike" profession
Heroes Among Us: Metinvest launches unique learning course for employees to help war veterans adapt to civilian life
Three generations in the same rhythm with Central GOK
Learning to operate multi-tonne units – how an experienced metallurgist masters a new profession
Surveyor is a profession of attentive and responsible specialists
Honoured Metallurgist of Ukraine from Zaporizhzhia Celebrates 75th Anniversary
True friendship and sincere love: the story of the Kostiuchok family from Central Iron Ore Enrichment Works
Central GOK Conducts Work At Height Safety Training
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Love for the job is in the genes: the history of Zaporizhzhia's dynasty of steelworkers
Козацький дух крізь століття: історія захисника з Запоріжсталі
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