CSR 5/15/2024 Read 5 min

Metinvest to spend UAH 50 million for social and economic development of Kamianske

Metinvest Group has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in Social and Economic Development with the Kamianske City Council. The company will spend UAH 50 million to support the city.

As part of the agreement, the community will receive UAH 50 million from Metinvest in 2024-2025 to implement socially significant projects in the city. In particular, the funds will be used to co-finance the reconstruction of three hospitals: No. 9, the ambulance service, and the primary healthcare centre No. 3. In addition, the latter two hospitals will undergo major overhauls to their civil defence facilities with Metinvest's support, and a new bomb shelter will be built in Lyceum No. 22 to meet modern standards.

"Today, our top priorities are to support the army and help our employees. Metinvest pays great attention to the development of the cities where its enterprises are located. Kamianske is a strong town of strong people, and our mission is to help the city council and the citizens become even stronger," said Oleksandr MYRONENKO, Chief Operating Officer of Metinvest Group. "The agreement is another page in the book of our strong friendship and fruitful cooperation with the city. Together we will stand and win!”




Metinvest Group will spend UAH 50 million to implement six socially significant projects in Kamianske over the next two years.


Kamianske Mayor Andriy BILOUSOV sincerely thanked Metinvest Group and Kamet-Steel, the city's largest enterprise, for their support and assistance,

"The memorandum is another very important page in our friendship with the company and Kamet-Steel, which will make our community safer in this difficult time for the country. On behalf of the citizens and myself, I would like to thank the socially responsible large business for taking care of the health and safety of the residents.”

Metinvest Group and Kamet-Steel remain a reliable partner of Kamianske, providing systematic and large-scale assistance during the full-scale war.

"Our iron and steel plant and its stable operation are a pillar of support for thousands of families in Kamianske whose well-being and lives are inextricably linked to Kamet-Steel. Kamianske has also become a new home for many steelmakers and coke chemical workers from Mariupol and Donetsk region, who are now working side by side with the people of Kamianske to ensure our common victory. We are proud of our city and strive to make it more comfortable and safer, and this is the main idea behind the Memorandum of Cooperation between Metinvest Group and the city community," said Oleksandr TRETIAKOV, General Director of Kamet-Steel.

In 2023, the taxes and fees paid by Kamet-Steel amounted to almost 31% of the city's total budget revenues. This enables Kamianske to ensure the social life of the community and timely financing of socially protected expenditures.

Since the beginning of the war, medical facilities in Kamianske have received humanitarian support worth over UAH 30 million as part of the Saving Lives humanitarian project, which Metinvest implements in coordination with Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. More than 11,000 packages of aid were handed over to the city to be distributed among vulnerable people and large families.

Earlier, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kamet-Steel helped Kamianske overcome the shortage of medical oxygen to save the lives of seriously ill patients. More than three tonnes of oxygen of the appropriate quality, produced by the plant's oxygen compressor shop, were provided to the city's hospitals.