The training is aimed at creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort, mutual understanding and support in the teams.

Today, every Ukrainian experiences a lot of stress and emotional tension. Uncertainty, fear, anxiety, separation, and loss are just a small part of the emotions that Ukrainians experience every day because of the war. Understanding your feelings well, accepting them, and overcoming negative emotions to maintain your own mental health are very important skills for everyone. To be able to understand not only yourself, but also your colleagues and relatives, support them at a crucial moment with a kind word, advice, help overcome anxiety and tune in to the right mood – this is already a real superpower of mutual help and support.
Recently, an unusual two-day training was held for the specialists of Metinvest enterprises in Zaporizhzhia. Production workers were trained in a very important skill today: First of all, understanding your emotions and experiences, the ability to cope with emotional instability, which is the key to understanding the emotions, moods and experiences of those around you – colleagues, friends, relatives. Experienced certified trainers explained in detail and simply how to master emotions, what emotional support tools are appropriate for different people, and how trained employees can pass on the knowledge gained at the training to other colleagues. In view of the fact that people spend a third of the day at work, interacting with colleagues in teams, this is very relevant and important knowledge that is worth sharing.
"On the first day, we got to know each other, analysed the basic concepts and techniques. And the second day was devoted to practice – we held several very interesting imitation and experiential games. The trainees were able to put themselves in the place of the one who provides aid and vice versa – the one who needs it," says Kateryna ADAMENKO, trainer of NGO "DOLADU.
In Zaporizhzhia, the training was attended by 20 employees of Zaporizhstal, Zaporizhzhvogneutryv, Zaporizhzhia Coke and Zaporizhzhia Casting and Mechanical Plant. Olga Ganotska, operator of the control panel of the cold rolling shop of Zaporizhstal, is among them.
"This is very useful knowledge. Because we work in teams where all people are different, everyone experiences stress or crisis in their own way. We must be well versed in how to master our emotions at a critical moment and help others do the same," commented Olha HANOTSKA.
Operators say that everyone should know about techniques of copying with stress.

"During these two days, I learned a lot of new things for myself. I will be happy to talk to my subordinates, tell them how you can protect yourself from stress, how you can get out of it. I will definitely share my knowledge not only with my colleagues, but also with friends and family. Because if it helps at least one person, it will be a huge plus. Now we are in dire need of such skills," says Volodymyr KRAVCHENKO, head of the production and dispatch department of Zaporizhzhvognetryv.
Improving the emotional well-being of each employee is inevitably reflected in the teamwork of the entire team.
"In large teams, it often happens that one person, as they say, is "not in a good mood", and this greatly affects their productivity. Due to the fact that we work in teams where everyone is a link in the chain, the mood and imbalance of one person affect the whole team, and therefore the overall result. In this training, we received many tools that will help pull a person out of a depressive state, cheer them up not just with a good joke, but understand the root of the problem and make them happy", says Volodymyr CHELOMBITKO, Leading Quality Engineer of Casting Shop of ZLMZ.
Everyone who completed a two-day intensive course received a certificate of completion.

"This is useful and necessary knowledge for everyone. Because every day there is some new stress – explosions, endless alerts, disappointing news. We are under stress, and the important thing here is to be able to pull yourself out of this stress, and you still need to be able to do this. And to properly communicate with other people in order to help them and cheer them up at the right moment is no less important knowledge," says Tetiana KULACHKO, lead engineer of the coke shop of Zaporizhzhia Coke.
Similar trainings will be held for emotional well-being of teams at all enterprises of the company, which are currently operating and are a reliable support for Ukraine.