Career 8/31/2023 Read 5 min

Dmytro Zahorulko-Harmash, the Gold Star of Metinvest: "My inner support is the desire to be useful to people"

A specialist with 36 years of experience, and an acknowledged expert in cryogenic equipment, he is always in quest of new things, mastering modern technologies and acquiring new knowledge with youthful zeal. Dmytro Zahorulko-Harmash has many honours and awards for his excellent work as the Oxygen Compressor Shop operator of Kamet-Steel, but he considers the Gold Star of Metinvest he received this year to be the highest and most important.

Dmytro made his professional choice back in 1987. A young man from a family whose highest values were honesty, decency, and hard work, he started working in the Oxygen Compressor Shop in the same team as his older sister.  The newly minted operator had to learn work skills quickly, he was lucky to have good mentors. 

- I still believe that by giving me, young and inexperienced, such a critical job, they showed me trust. I have to meet these expectations, - a specialist stated. And these are not just words. An operator in oxygen production is a key figure, the highest position of a specialist. A technologist who works on very complex cryogenic equipment shall not only understand and thoroughly know the specifics of this equipment, confidently assess all possible risks, but also remember hundreds of different diagrams, and react very quickly to the situation, combining high technical literacy with practical skill and courage. 

Dmytro Zahorulko-Harmash gained his first professional experience on old Air Separation Units, which were controlled manually and are now decommissioned. But his long-standing knowledge, with mastering the latest technologies, helped the shop team during a blackout and severe energy restrictions at the end of 2022 to carry out proper preservation of the modern AKAr-40/35-4 Air Separation Unit, to keep it working condition and to successfully put it back into operation. To provide the blast furnace with oxygen this difficult time, it was Dmytro who acted as a key worker during the installation and start-up of the external mobile gasifier.

In the friendly team of the Oxygen Compressor Shop, one of the most important features of Dmytro is considered to be "persistent personal involvement." He is responsible fulfilling his duties to improve production efficiency, preserve equipment, and safety of workers. In particular, as part of the "Safe Work Space" system implementation, he identified 43 potential risks and developed 56 measures, of which 29 were implemented. 

- One of Dmytro Zahorulko-Harmash's greatest merits is that he is an innovator. He does not just keep all his large experience but transforms it into new effective ideas useful for the workshop, enterprise, and company. In particular, many measures were implemented at the Air Separation Unit, which helped to reduce gaseous oxygen losses by 7.5%. The argon supply diagram of the BOF shop was changed, which allowed for the first time in the last 15 years to start selling liquid argon to external consumers. Since September 2022, 250 tons have already been sold. And Dmytro is a perfect mentor. I studied under him, as well as the senior foreman and foreman of the Air Separation Area, three shift foremen, and many more employees of our shop, -  Kostiantyn Frolov, the head of Oxygen Compressor Shop, says.

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