Метінвест у 2024 році налагодив виробництво 20 нових видів продукції
Time for effective decisions and actions: Metinvest Northern Iron Ore celebrates the 61st anniversary
Metinvest Central Iron Ore Upgrades Railway Tracks
Zaporizhstal confirms compliance of its integrated management system with international standards
Zaporizhstal completes major overhauls of its key rolling mills
Metinvest Iron Ore Plants Prepared to Work During the Winter Period
Metinvest's Central GOK Repairs Pelletizing Plant Equipment
From Kamet-Steel to the American Continent: Blast Furnace Workers Resume Pig Iron Exports
“Building a Reliable ‘Steel’ Bridge Between the Economies of Ukraine and the EU”: Metinvest Pledges Support for the Integration of Ukrainian and Italian Businesses
Northern GOK of Metinvest Completed the Induration Machine Repairs
Kamet Steel Expands its Capacity to Produce Grinding Balls of 100 mm in Diameter
Specialists of Colliery Group "Pokrovs'ke" Prepare Two Dinting Machines for Operation
CG "Pokrovs'ke" Bought a New Sanyi Head-Roader
Atlas Copco drilling rig is back in operation at Ingulets GOK after repair
Major Overhaul of Coke oven Battery № 5 Completed at Kamet-Steel
Central Iron Ore Enrichment Works Continuing to Improve Working Conditions
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