Heroes Among Us
"Funnyman" for friends, and retribution for the enemy: the story of Serhii Harkusha, veteran-scout
Cheerful and funny person, reckless and brave man – this is what friends and acquaintances say about Serhii Harkusha, a war veteran from Inhulets Iron Ore. The man has experience as a combat scout and now helps his demobilised co-workers to re-adapt to civilian life. The story of the hero tells how he got to the frontline, how he learned to be invisible to the enemy, about the brotherhood of war, injuries, and guardian angels in heaven and on earth.Over the past three years, the life of Serhii Harkusha has taken a turn that he could not have imagined before At the beginning of 2022, he worked as a foreman of pump operators at the ore-concentration plant of Inhulets Iron Ore. At that time, he had already had about nine years of experience at the enterprise. Before that, he had worked as a construction worker for a long time, having graduated as a painter and plasterer from a school in Ingulets. Although he was born in the north of Russia. His parents, both Ingulets residents, worked th