Career 6/6/2024 Read 4 min

Pavlo Myroshnychenko: "The path towards the goal is never easy, but it's definitely worth it."

Skilled in his field and with over 30 years of experience now, Pavlo Myroshnychenko joined Zaporizhstal back in 1990. Today, he holds the position of a metallurgical equipment maintenance shop foreman at Metinvest-Promservice. 

"I recently celebrated the 34th year of my employment with the enterprise," says Pavlo. "I can remember the very first days, when I came here to work as a fitter. The social benefits have always been an important factor which draws people to Zaporizhstal, and that was why I chose this enterprise. By the time, I had a family to provide for." 

Pavlo Myroshnychenko was among the first ones to be involved in the construction of the coal storage facility and then the construction of the pulverized coal injection plant. The projects and repair programs that had crucial importance for the enterprise where Pavlo was also involved included the repair of blast furnace receiving hoppers. No blast furnace or sintering machine major overhaul can take place at Zaporizhstal without experts' participation. 

"I help organize the maintenance work, oversee and ensure that all safety requirements are complied with during the work process and personally take part in it," adds Pavlo. " I just love my job; even when it's not easy and we are short of people, or there is some crisis situation, I just keep doing my job to the best of my abilities. And I expect the same attitude from my colleagues and subordinates."

According to his colleagues, Pavlo Myroshnychenko helps deliver even the most challenging tasks, and gets important projects run. With his self-discipline and responsibility, he inspires and sets an example for the younger generation.

Since the full-scale invasion, Pavlo has been active in supporting the defenders, and gets involved in clearing rubble from streets after missile attacks in Zapirizhzhia. 

"Everyone who is at the cross road looking for their place in this world, please listen to what your heart and intuition tell you, and chose what you like. It's only then when what you do makes sense, and you enjoy what you do and see your future in it," emphases Pavlo. "I've reached my goal, I've become a foreman. The path towards the goal is never easy, but it's definitely worth it!"