Scheduled repairs and maintenance of the main and auxiliary equipment are constantly carried out at the steel works. Specialists carefully carry out inspections, diagnostics and preventive repairs to prevent unplanned downtime and emergencies in the operation of the equipment.
Rolling process stage
The Hot Rolling Shop continues to maintain its machines: this week, preventive maintenance was carried out at 1680 and 1150 continuous sheet rolling mills.
– The inspection of the condition, identification of trouble spots and their elimination at the 1680 continuous rolling mill lasted for a full production shift. We checked the lubrication system, hydraulics, measured playing gaps and aligned plays, and welded slots on the vertical extensions of the finishing train, - Maksim MEDKOV, a mill foreman, said.
This week, the Slabbing's equipment of the Hot Rolling Mill was inspected at the 1150 mill.
– We carry out such work regularly to ensure that the mill continues to operate smoothly and efficiently. This week, we performed a disassembly inspection and close fitting of the units of the equipment in operation, - Sergiy BABICH, a shop foreman of the Hot Rolling Shop, said.

Hot blast
Last autumn, Zaporizhstal's Blast Furnace Shop started a large-scale repair of another important production unit, the stove of the blast furnace #4. Currently, the works on the stove #13 are at the stage of lining removal.
Prior to the lining removal, we carried out comprehensive preparation works consisting of the so-called "blow-off" of the stove, i.e. the process that cools the unit. Process engineers of the Blast Furnace Shop are responsible for this process. The next step is preparation for the "cleaning out", i.e. transportation of the dismantled refractory bricks from the stove. This involves dismantling the part of the stove's armour and installing a conveyor that will directly transport refractory waste from the unit. This preparatory stage is being carried out by specialists of the Blast Furnace Shop in cooperation with the workers of Zaporozhogneupor.