In today’s world, it’s crucial to know how to provide pre-medical assistance, understand the correct sequence of actions, and be able to stabilise a victim’s condition until emergency services arrive. To address this, Zaporizhstal regularly organises training sessions with experts.
Currently, employees who are trained in first aid within their departments are undergoing refresher training. These sessions, held in one of Zaporizhstal’s bomb shelters, take place in collaboration with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society.
The training programme will run throughout October, involving 240 steel makers.
Participants are going to refresh theoretical knowledge and practise first aid in hands-on training sessions using mannequins and models. Various scenarios will be simulated, from loss of consciousness to multiple trauma situations.
“Skills tend to fade over time unless they are practised on a regular basis. In an emergency, people may panic and forget what to do or the order of actions. We conduct additional training sessions to reinforce the familiar action algorithm and ensure that our employees are as ready as can be,” said Denys MAZ, acting head of the Occupational Safety Department.
Every department has designated first-aid teams in place. Employees who have completed specialised training are identifiable by a white cross on a green background sticker on their helmets and an individually marked first-aid kit labelled “First Aid Team”.