Career 6/6/2024 Read 4 min

Metinvest's enterprises launched the First Job programme

Zaporizhstal has introduced a financial incentive programme for young people who have chosen Zaporizhstal or other Metinvest enterprises as their first job. The programme provides for the payment of UAH 50 thousand in addition to salary and bonus.

Maksim Ped, HR Director of Zaporizhstal, spoke about the situation on the Ukrainian labour market and the conditions for employing young people at Metinvest's enterprises in Zaporizhzhia in an interview with the Zaporizhzhia TV channel MTM.

According to him, the biggest challenges of today are the lack of staff at enterprises due to staff outflow, emigration, and mobilisation. The general trend in the Ukrainian labour market is in favour of blue-collar jobs – people who create items of value with their own hands. This means that employers shall create the best conditions to attract specialists to shortage professions: salaries, social guarantees, and additional options. Industrialists, power engineers, builders, farmers, and the military-industrial complex workers – these professions are the future in every sense of the word. And the task of business is to find and retain talent, increase the motivation and qualifications of personnel.

Opportunities for young people

Zaporizhstal is an active employer in Zaporizhzhia, and one of the main areas of its HR policy is to attract and retain young specialists. Zaporizhstal has a multi-age team. Every fourth employee at the plant is under the age of 35. It is the combination of fresh innovative ideas of young people with the wisdom and life experience of experienced professionals that improves productivity and business results.

"The company has a wide range of tools to attract young people: career guidance in educational institutions, various programmes aimed at unlocking the potential of young employees and their professional growth, corporate educational projects, adaptation of new employees, programmes to support the initiatives of young professionals in the social and public spheres of the company's activities," said Maxym PED.

The most striking example of the professional realisation of youth potential is the career path of Roman Slobodianiuk, the plant's General Director. He started his career at Zaporizhstal as a blue-collar worker, then headed a newly created division, becoming the youngest head of the shop in the plant's history, and worked in the production department of the plant. For four years, he headed the Production Directorate of Metinvest Group. And in January 2023, at the age of 33, he returned to Zaporizhstal as General Director.

Start your career at Metinvest and get a bonus of 50 thousand

In May, Zaporizhstal and other Metinvest Group enterprises launched the First Job motivational programme for graduates of vocational schools, colleges, technical schools and universities.

The programme applies to graduates who graduated and received their diplomas no earlier than 2022, have no official work experience, and will be employed by a Metinvest enterprise in Ukraine after 3 May 2024.

The employed graduate will receive a bonus of UAH 50,000 during the first year of employment, provided that they comply with industrial safety rules and have no disciplinary violations.

For more information about the First Job programme, please contact the company's HR department at 72 Pivdenne Shosse, Zaporizhzhia, or call +38 095 800 98 30. For more information on the list of vacancies, including those for young people, please call +38 067 613 92 07.