Safety 7/4/2024 Read 4 min

International experts train Kamet-Steel's employees on how to deal with explosive objects

How can we minimise the risks associated with explosive objects, which have been a threat to Ukrainians for three consecutive years? How to visually recognise the danger and to protect yourself and others from harm? How to act correctly when detecting suspicious objects? The Kamet-Steel's employees received answers to these and many other questions during an information session conducted by experts from the international organisation Handicap International Federation.

Serhii Satanovskyi

The activities of the international organisation, which has been operating in 60 countries for over 40 years, are primarily aimed at minimising the consequences for human life and health in any emergency and dangerous situations. During the three-day session, more than 230 line managers and qualified specialists from the plant received in-depth knowledge and practical advice from experienced instructors of Handicap International  Federation  on how to respond in case of suspicious findings.  

The face-to-face training with the use of interactive materials provided the trainees with new opportunities to develop the right behaviour and vital habits that will help minimise the threat of explosive hazards and save lives. 

Through a video presentation, international experts demonstrated various types of explosive devices to the audience, explained their properties, traps, the consequences of careless handling. They also informed viewers how these devices can detonate and cause harm to people and dispelled the myths arising from people's lack of awareness on the topic. Most importantly, they clearly defined the algorithm of actions that should be strictly followed when detecting suspicious objects. 

"The explosive threat remains a daily and hourly concern for each of our employees and their families. Therefore, Kamet-Steel, in collaboration with other enterprises of Metinvest Group, is systematically implementing a program aimed at gradually equipping all employees with basic knowledge and skills to respond to military risks. This initiative involves specialists from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and international experts. Line managers of structural subdivisions who have completed the relevant training now serve as the company's internal trainers on safety in detecting suspicious objects. They play a crucial role in disseminating essential security practices among the staff," said Serhii SATANOVSKYI, Head of the Civil Protection, Fire, and Technological Safety Department.