Safety 5/28/2024 Read 4 min

Young employees of Kamet-Steel learn how to assess risks in a TED Talks format

To get acquainted with the key principles of risk management in the management of an organisation at the beginning of their professional career. KAMET-STEEL held TED Talks between young employees and managers based on the interactive game Titanic.

Was it possible to prevent the sinking of the Titanic? History does not know the concept of "could have", but using the experience of one of the largest disasters means learning to assess risks in a quality manner in order to choose adequate and effective means of managing the safety of any process. This is very important in production activities, especially for young specialists who have just started working at the enterprise. They took part in the training, teaming up with experienced experts - the plant's managers - to learn how to correctly identify measures to prevent factors that are hazardous to human health and life.

"Analysing the Titanic disaster, we, together with our young colleagues, took a different look at the events that took place more than a hundred years ago. After all, neither the Oscar-winning film nor fiction tells us about the reasons and factors that led to the death of the giant ship and hundreds of its passengers. Our meeting and interactive game allowed us to jointly identify a set of these reasons and focus the attention of young professionals on the fact that in any business, the most important thing is the safety and lives of people. Therefore, each "crew", each team needs to work on and improve their knowledge and skills in order to perform their tasks professionally and safely for themselves and their colleagues. By the way, we learnt about the role of the metal used during the construction of the Titanic, so now we remember that people's lives and health may also depend on the quality of our products," said Ivan GOLTVENKO, Director of Human Resources and Social Issues at KAMET-STEEL.

Following an active analysis of the proposed information materials, each of the four youth teams, led by their experts, presented their own conclusions about the dangerous factors that led to the tragic events, the ignoring and incorrect reaction of the participants to these factors, etc. A thoughtful, focused and creative approach to the task united all the participants in the game in the most important messages: there are no trifles in any teamwork for safety, and risks identified in advance and properly analysed can be eliminated through timely and effective measures to save lives and health.

"We gained a new experience - it was interesting and intriguing. Personally, I learnt a lot of new things and communicated with the company's directors for the first time. Thanks to this interesting format of the meeting, I will certainly not forget our conclusions today: that everything at work should be thought out and balanced, that everyone should foresee the consequences of their actions for the whole team. Every little thing matters in a common cause. No wonder this game ends with the words: "Remember the Titanic," says Svetlana KOZIK, chemical analysis laboratory assistant at the Environmental Protection Department.