Zaporizhstal is a large enterprise, the scale of which exceeds the wildest imaginations of ordinary people. When a continuous process involves the precise operation of thousands of mechanisms and hundreds of important units, order and system are of paramount importance. So how do you maintain order at a plant that employs more than 8,000 people and covers the area of 777 football fields?
The answer to this question is known to Zaporizhstal's metrologists, who recently celebrated their professional holiday, World Metrology Day. The importance of the work of the team of the Process Weighing Systems Shop (hereinafter referred to as the PWSS) cannot be overstated.
The daily work of the specialists of the metrological support bureau of PWSS includes the supervising the condition of measuring equipment, ensuring compliance with metrological characteristics, timely metrological control of measuring equipment and maintaining regulatory documents.

Svetlana Zakharova, a metrology engineer, is responsible for metrological supervision in more than 20 departments of the plant. Her colleague, Andrii Savenko, is responsible for the equipment for measuring electrical and radio values in the gas, pipe, open-hearth and other divisions of Zaporizhstal. They have a workplace in every shop of the plant.
Sergii Chigrin, a leading metrology engineer, prepares the areas for metrological inspection and checks that everything is done correctly and the equipment operates with the accuracy required to produce quality products. Leading engineer Anna Smirnova and engineer Elena Klimenko also have considerable experience in this area and successfully carry out metrological support for coke and chemical production.
Oleksandr Nechyporuk, head of the metrology bureau at PWSS, is confident that the plant's equipment is in good hands. The bureau's team meticulously and professionally checks the accuracy and quality of all the devices used by the company in its operations. They also effectively adjust the measuring instruments.
"Our work may be invisible at first glance, but there is always someone behind any order," says Andrii TYRYSHKIN, Chief Metrologist of the Works and Head of PWSS. "Our metrologists are always welcome in any corner of the plant, because they know the role of their responsible work in achieving the overall result. Colleagues, I congratulate you on your professional holiday!