To be there in difficult times. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Metinvest Group has put all its resources to help the country. The company takes care of defenders and affected civilians, and also ensures the operation of its enterprises so that the state's economy is sustainable.
Read more about the events and news of the last seven days in Metinvest's traditional digest.

CG "Pokrovs'ke" produced the first million tonnes of coal since the beginning of the year

The defender of Mariupol received his own flat from Hearts of Azovstal

An indurating machine is being overhauled at SevGOK

Nine Metinvest enterprises were included in the ranking of the best companies

"Concentrating Factory "Sviato-Varvarynska", LLC celebrated 15 years of its operation

With the support of Metinvest, the reconstruction of the kindergarten building in Sofievka is underway

The trainings on the basics of time management for students were conducted at InGOK

Coke oven gas storage system plant was tested at Kamet Steel