Career 7/26/2024 Read 5 min

Medical staff of KAMET-STEEL master new diagnostic equipment

The main task of the company's medical staff today is to ensure high-quality medical examinations of the plant's employees. The plant and Metinvest Group support them in this important and humane task by systematically replenishing and updating important diagnostic equipment of the medical and sanitary unit of KAMET-STEEL.

Scheduled preventive examinations of employees, pre-shift and pre-trip medical examinations for drivers, railway drivers, etc. are the first steps to prevent health problems that lead to a decrease or loss of working capacity and the development of occupational diseases.

Over six months of this year, the medical unit has already conducted almost 4,000 medical examinations, where employees can consult a haematologist, urologist, oncologist, and endocrinologist without having to visit municipal medical facilities. Psychophysiological examinations to determine an employee's ability to perform a particular job in certain conditions are also successfully conducted. 

Effective support for such work is the systematic renewal of medical equipment, primarily for the clinical diagnostic laboratory.

Recently, Kamet-Steel's medical staff received modern equipment that significantly expands diagnostic capabilities during medical examinations, and thus improves the quality and effectiveness of preventive measures. In particular, the medical unit received an endoscope with a video system for a thorough examination of the gastrointestinal tract. The laboratory's specialists have also armed themselves with new binocular microscopes, which improve not only the level of diagnostics but also the working conditions of doctors. They also received a modern biochemical blood analyser. Now the medical unit specialists are mastering the new equipment and preparing it for further use.

Olena Volynets

"Improving the level of diagnostics, detecting diseases at early stages and preventing their dangerous development are the most important tasks that medical workers solve. Thanks to the support of the plant and the company, we are working in accordance with modern requirements, and new diagnostic technologies are now protecting the health of metallurgists and coke chemists. This year, the plant also completed a programme to upgrade its ambulance fleet. Now, three ambulances equipped with everything necessary for emergency assistance are on round-the-clock duty at the plant," says Olena VOLYNЕTS, Chief Medical Officer of the plant's medical and sanitary unit. 

Tomorrow, the friendly and professional staff of Kamet-Steel's medical unit together with all Ukrainian colleagues will celebrate their professional holiday – the Day of the Medical Worker. 

"Our team is a united team of specialists, the vast majority of whom have the highest and first qualification categories. We have colleagues – for example, general practitioners Liubov Moroz and Svitlana Nasonova, surgeon Valerii Fil – who have dedicated their entire working lives to protecting the health of several generations of metallurgists and coke-chemists," adds Olena VOLYNЕTS. "I congratulate every employee of Kamet-Steel's medical unit and sincerely thank them for their resilience, unity and dedication to our difficult but truly noble profession."

We are pleased to join in the congratulations and wish our medical staff good health and the fulfilment of their brightest hopes.