The boundless and dearest "mother" is a surprisingly simple word, but how much warmth, tenderness and love it contains. Only a mother will always understand and selflessly love, no matter what, support and inspire to overcome any failures in life. We carry the gentle image of our mother in our souls throughout our lives. PJSC "Kamet-Steel" employs many mothers who have to combine raising children, household chores and hard physical labor. But indomitable women find the strength to work, remaining a model of professionalism at work, and at home they give their children universal care and love.
A pregnant mother Maria Cherevan says, "War cannot prohibit my children from being born"
The young mother of two children, Maria Cherevan, works as a conveyor operator at the rotary kiln section of the lime kiln shop of PJSC "Kamet-Steel". Working conditions for women in the lime production department are the most difficult. But Maria does not complain, does her job as expected, and after the shift hurries home, where 10-year-old Dasha and 6-year-old Andriyko are waiting for her. She is carrying another child under her heart – the woman is already 6 months pregnant and expects the birth of her daughter Katrusia in August.
When an enemy missile hit their house in March 2022, Maria did not hesitate to pack her things and hastily left her native Avdiivka with her family, where she gave birth to her eldest children, where she was born herself, where she worked at the Avdiivka Coke Plant. The city of Kamianske became a refuge from enemy shelling. Once safe, the woman arranged her family life, and in peace and quiet began to make plans for the future. She placed her children in school and kindergarten, mastered a new profession for herself at PJSC "Kamet-Steel". Maria's husband Serhiy continued to work at Avdiivka Coke Plant for some time as a mechanical repairman in the coke shop, and later also left the city and joined the family.
Working at PJSC "Kamet-Steel" gives me stability and confidence in the future, because I am at work, and my children are safe, and this is the most important thing. That is why here, in Kamianske, I decided to make my dream come true – to give birth to my third child. Of course, I'm worried, but I'm also very happy. I know being a mom of three is going to be hard, but I'm ready for it. Someone will say that these are not the best of times, because the country is suffering from the enemy. Yes, I agree, but war cannot prohibit my children from being born. After all, children are the meaning of life for mothers and the future of our country.

Yulia Andriychuk says, "My sons are my support and support while my husband defends the country on the front line"
The gentle smile and radiant eyes of this beautiful mother radiate warmth from her very heart. A dispatcher of the sinter shop, Yulia Andriychuk, is a mother of three sons who is experiencing separation from her beloved husband, a military man. Yulia's beloved man Vitaliy Andriychuk is also an employee of the sinter shop, it was here that they met by the will of fate. And then, unexpectedly, the war broke out... On February 24, 2022, right in the middle of his shift, Vitaliy approached his wife to say goodbye, because he decided to defend the country on the same day. Every day, Yulia waits, grieves and is proud of his courage and teaches her children to be as strong and resilient as he is.
Yulia has been working at the plant for 27 years. The woman is glad that here, at PJSC "Kamet Steel", she has successfully realized herself as a person, as a professional, who has met the expectations of her loved ones. After all, her father, mother, grandfather and grandmother also worked at the enterprise at one time.
But Yulia's eldest son Kyrylo chose another, no less important for society, profession of a doctor in life. Today he is a certified anesthesiologist-resuscitator, and ahead of him is an internship in Kyiv. 12-year-old twins Sasha and Misha delight Yulia with their successes no less. The boys study well, play sports and help their mother in everything.
I remember the day I found out I was going to have twins. It was so unexpected that I panicked at first. Indeed, raising twins is not an easy mission for a woman, but I cannot imagine the greatest happiness in life. Even in adolescence, my sons are my support, support and hope while my husband is at war. Although the real optimist in our family is Vitaliy. Even being on the front line, where the fierce horrors of war are taking place, he always says to my experiences: "Don't worry, everything will not just be fine, everything will be fine and that's the only way!" His confidence just makes me stop worrying and calm down immediately. Because I believe him. My husband knows what he's doing, and he knows best. I am proud of him and I love him very much. It gives me the strength to get through this long separation. My boys and I believe that peace in Ukraine will come soon and the warriors of light will finally defeat the darkness.