Career 3/18/2024 Read 5 min

On the roads of Zaporizhstal – from the prof of the motor transport department

Those who literally move the life of the plant, are constantly on business and are always at the wheel – the team of Zaporizhstal motor transport department is celebrating the 56th anniversary of the business unit foundation.

The drivers of the motor transport department are always and everywhere in the whirlpool of events - at the wheel of cars, trucks, heavy-duty vehicles and special equipment. They transport raw materials, goods, finished products and passengers necessary for production.

A team of professionals – mechanics, turners, engineers – ensure the stable operation of vehicles, and dispatchers ensure a coordinated work schedule. In total, 292 people are working in the department today.

Each motor vehicle column out of four ones includes a specific type of transport. The professionals of the motor column No. 1 transport large-sized and construction cargo, and the specialists of the motor column No.2 transport passengers and small-sized cargo to the business units. The third motor column is open-pit transport, large vehicles, which, as a rule, transport from two sections of the slag processing workshop - open-hearth and blast furnace slag for further processing.

Last in number, but not in significance, motor column No. 4 was founded relatively recently. Here, the drivers of special vehicles and trucks serve the business units and workshops of Zaporizhcoke.

High-quality repairs of trucks and vehicles are carried out by the specialists of the three repair shops of the motor transport department. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the most experienced specialists of the department have been repairing and restoring equipment for the defenders at the repair centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The specialists go to the repair centres and repair our defenders' "help-mates" made of steel. Thanks to their prompt and efficient work, vehicles return to the front line, where they help evacuate the wounded, deliver vital supplies, etc.

"Even in challenging times, when there is war in our country, our team, like all Zaporizhstal workers, unites around a common goal - to support our home town, country and enterprise. On the anniversary of our business unit foundation, I wish each and everyone a speedy victory, peace in every Ukrainian home, return of defenders home and implementation of all plans in professional and personal life,” noted the head of the motor transport department, Yevgen ZIUZIN.