Not to get confused in a critical situation and to help the victim before the arrival of medical professionals – in today's martial law environment, such skills are extremely important. Professional instructors from the Ukrainian Red Cross Society were engaged to train Kamet-Steel's personnel. The goal is to develop the skills of correct actions aimed at preserving human life and health in critical situations.
The training programme consists of 12 modules and is organised in such a way that each participant can acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in providing first aid. To ensure the safety of employees, the training is held in a protective building on the company's premises.
Experienced instructors explain how to assess the condition of a victim and determine what kind of assistance should be provided in a particular case. The training also covers the rules for calling an ambulance, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, bleeding control, the rules for treating musculoskeletal injuries and, accordingly, the principles of transporting an injured person. Special attention is paid to the mechanism of providing first aid to children of all ages.

During the classes, mannequins and specialised equipment are used, and game situations are considered, where the participants can practice the knowledge, they have gained.
"In life, none of us is immune from dangerous situations, and in martial law, the danger and risks are much higher. That is why it is important that each of us, regardless of our position or profession, knows and is able to provide first aid effectively. I am sincerely grateful to the training organisers and instructors who taught me how to act correctly in an unusual situation. Thanks to them, I have gained very valuable knowledge and skills that can be useful anywhere," says Tetiana YENZOVIT, a crane operator in the rolling shop.
Over 300 employees of the company will take part in the first aid courses over the next two months.