Breaking News 7/19/2024 Read 2 min

Statement of the General Director of Metinvest Group Yuri Ryzhenkov on the Occasion of Metallurgist and Miner's Day

Dear colleagues!

Today, the Day of the Metallurgist and Miner, is taking on new meanings. This day is about the strength and courage of those in the industry who are defending the country on the front line. It is about the steel nerves and iron endurance of those who are continuing to work near the front line, risking their lives. It is about real heroes who demonstrate every day what it means to be patriots of their country. It is about people who have repeatedly proved that we can rely on them at all times, in both peace and war.

Your work supports Ukraine’s economy. You enable entire cities and regions to live: Zaporizhzhia, Kryvyi Rih, Kamianske and many others.

Hundreds of thousands of workers in the mining and metals industry are a powerful force contributing to Ukraine’s victory. The industry brings peaceful times closer by producing steel products for the army and strengthening the country’s defence capabilities. It volunteers and supports its comrades on the front.

We will never forget those who have given their lives defending the country in the armed forces of Ukraine. We will always remember our colleagues who died as a result of the aggressor’s terrorist attacks. We honour the memory of the fallen and will not leave their families alone in their grief.

No matter how hard the situation is, Ukraine’s heart of steel is beating. And it continues to beat thanks to our cohesion and unity. We have to do our part. To work, to believe, to support. Not to lose hope for better times. To accelerate the victory by all possible means. To rebuild the country after that.

Let’s keep moving forward.

Glory to Ukraine!

Yuriy Ryzhenkov, CEO of Metinvest Group