To save a person's life in a critical situation, to provide timely and correct assistance before the arrival of doctors, in order to test the knowledge gained by KAMET STEEL employees in the summer and to develop their practical skills, the enterprise organized the second stage of training in the format of a four-hour seminar.
From May to July 2024, the enterprise held a series of intensive two-day first aid training sessions. This event was an important step towards improving employees' safety and creating an atmosphere of mutual assistance and concern for the health of colleagues in critical situations.
Professional instructors from the Ukrainian Red Cross Society once more visited KAMET STEEL to conduct the second stage of the training. This time, they administered an examination for employees who had to demonstrate how well they had mastered first aid skills.
Time and time again they repeated and practiced algorithms for recognizing a wound or injury, stopping bleeding, and prioritizing actions to save a person. They explained the rules for calling an ambulance, practiced cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin, discussed the rules for helping with musculoskeletal injuries, and accordingly, the principles of transporting an injured person.

To ensure the safety of employees, the training, like the last time, is held in a protective building on the territory of the enterprise. Over 200 KAMET STEEL employees will take part in the seminar in October and November.
Oleksandr PIDHIRNYI, first aid instructor at the Ukrainian Red Cross Society:
“There is always a risk of unforeseen situations at work that can lead to injuries. That is why first aid skills are vital for every employee at KAMET STEEL. We already have the first results of the second stage of the training. Employees demonstrate a high level of learning and a willingness to apply the knowledge gained in practice. This means that the enterprise will create a team of people ready to provide first aid to colleagues in critical situations.”
Ihor ZHUKOVYTSKYI, refractory man at the Blast Furnace Shop:
"Given the current difficult situation with the war, I believe that it is extremely important for everyone to be able to provide first aid. Personally, the training was very useful for me, I already know many things thanks to the first part of the training. And today I repeated and demonstrated my knowledge under the supervision of experienced instructors. So now I feel even more confident.”