A veteran employee of ZAPOROZHOGNEUPOR: "Returning to civilian life after the front begins with family support"
“Free Waves" project must go on as it truly helps the wounded rehabilitate
Veteran Ruslan Sutkovyi met with young people and students
Sports quest for the unbreakable: Kamet Steel's veterans take part in city's sports and patriotic event
Rehabilitation of the military: Free Waves project launches in Kryvyi Rih
Participant of Free Waves rehabilitation project talks about the benefits of training
Veterans in Zaporizhzhia were told about rehabilitation opportunities
Speak up, Veteran: State and private rehabilitation opportunities for soldiers discussed in Kryvyi Rih
Veteran Maksym Kryvopyskyi: "After returning from the war, I realised that I need to appreciate every hour of my life"
"Funnyman" for friends, and retribution for the enemy: the story of Serhii Harkusha, veteran-scout
"My three kids were not a reason for me to defer, but a reason to mobilize as soon as possible"
An iron will to live and faith in the future: The story of a veteran Vadym Yavtushenko from Inhulets ore mining and processing plant
Вічна шана героям: меморіал загиблим воїнам-співробітникам Метінвесту
Звільнені в запас строковики-метінвестівці повертаються на криворізькі підприємства
Бойовий медик Володимир Дзябко: «Головне завдання – зберегти життя»
У Запоріжжі триває проєкт з реабілітації ветеранів «Вільні хвилі»
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