Metinvest Polytechnic has hosted its first inter-industry scientific workshop entitled "Metinvest Intelligence", featuring the university's academic staff. Among the topics discussed were the quality of higher education, advancements in science, research, as well as traditions and innovations in designing the university's educational products.
In his keynote speech, President Oleksandr Povazhnyi announced that the workshop "Metinvest Intelligence" would be held regularly. It is planned to involve specialists from the Metinvest Group companies, as combining production expertise with education and research will contribute to the sustainable development of Ukraine's mining and metals sector.
"The workshop is intended to be a platform for discussing certain topics, and everyone's active engagement is crucial. In my opinion, these topics will lay the groundwork for our postgraduate students' future research. It is very important to build a research model that includes many areas: scientific developments commissioned by enterprises, fundamental research, and the involvement of students and postgraduates. We will integrate all of this into the strategic direction for the university's development in science," said Oleksandr POVAZHNYI. He added that the workshop would be held regularly, as this should be a holistic effort focused on achieving tangible results.
In addition to scientific work, another important block of the workshop is the development of education, which includes the ongoing enhancement of its quality and the updating of educational programmes to align with scientific progress and changes in the educational landscape. Larysa Shaulska, advisor to the President and professor in the Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science, and Production Organisation at Metinvest Polytechnic, presented the research findings in the context of traditions and innovations in designing university educational products. She noted that current global trends indicate dynamic growth in the education market. According to her, the considerable growth in interest in education among older age groups presents great prospects for Ukrainian higher education, as long as the competitive advantages of educational programmes are clearly defined.
"Metinvest Polytechnic already has a natural integration with the business that acts as a customer, leader, and partner, helping to develop the university and providing students with real opportunities. The university is currently in a very favourable position for innovation, and our focus on engineering education is an advantage, given the significant shortage of specialists in this field," added Larysa SHAULSKA. The participants also discussed new educational models and approaches aimed at supporting students, fostering dialogue and career counselling, organising educational content conveniently, utilising digital platforms, ensuring flexibility, and creating a positive emotional environment. Konstiantyn Moiseienko, head of the Education Quality and International Projects Department, emphasized the importance of gaining external insights to foster internal development and continuously enhance the quality of education.
Viacheslav Kamenets, head of the Mining Department, spoke about the mining science at the university, discussed development prospects, and shared his vision. He noted that mining encompasses many areas, and that the industry is currently facing an acute shortage of professionals. The discussion also included such topics as the relevant research topics and the involvement of both postgraduate and undergraduate students, who are already taking their first steps in research through a university club dedicated to contemporary challenges in mining and geology. During the upcoming meetings, which will include practitioners from the Metinvest enterprises, discussions will continue on the scientific and educational development of Metinvest Polytechnic and its research initiatives.