Volunteering 5/8/2024 Read 4 min

Doing more together – Zaporizhstal volunteers organize a charity art event

Volunteers of Zaporizhstal youth organization and The Ukrainian Future charitable foundation organized an art event '800 Days of Perseverance'.

As of today, nearly 1,000 Zaporizhstal employees serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Zaporizhstal volunteers, meanwhile, have been unceasingly helping them with the so much needed items like medicine, camouflage nets, various devices and tools, and goodies. Every person is doing everything possible to support the fighters. This is what the charity art event '800 Days of Perseverance', which took place recently in the Unbreakable Hub, is all about - the heroism of the defenders, dedication of volunteers and indomitability of all Ukrainians.

People of Zaporizhzhia and the management of Zaporizhstal came to support the volunteer initiative.

"I want to thank all our activists for their hard and very important work. Despite the fatigue, they have been supporting our defenders 24/7 for more than 2 years now, helping them with whatever they can. This is yet another proof that only together and in close cooperation we can do more for our common Victory," says Mykola PETRYAKOV, Zaporizhstal Director for Engineering.

At the event, there was an exhibition of posters and a souvenir shop, where the visitors could learn more about the work of activists of the Zaporizhstal youth organization and the Ukrainian Future charitable foundation. In the focus of the information stands are the stories of Zaporizhstal defenders - those who defend the country today and those who died on the battlefield. Nearly 20 Zaporizhstal employees went missing at the front, and another seven are in Russian captivity. Fifty Zaporizhstal employees died fighting for Ukraine. Dismissed from service, 168 employees have returned to their work at Zaporizhstal.

A charity auction was conducted to raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among the lots were an RPG tube and an NLAW container. Those were donated by the fighters, whom the volunteers help. In addition to the auction, a master class on knitting camouflage nets was also held.

"Many of the things we make ourselves, but we also engage craftsmen in the charitable work to create real works of art, which can be bought for a donation to private collections and thus help our defenders. This is how we involve the visitors in fund raising," commented Serhiy VLASENKO, head of the Ukrainian Future charitable foundation.

Zaporizhstal volunteers say they work non-stop to help as many people as possible.

"All items you see displayed at the exhibition were made by Zaporizhstal volunteers, while the materials - cartridges, tubes and other - are often given by our soldiers. The money we get from selling the souvenirs are then used to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We gather first aid kits, buy materials and tools, knit camouflage nets, cook various goodies and send this all to the frontline," says Serhiy PETROV, a hot rolling shop maintenance fitter.