At the pipe billet mill of the rolling shop of PJSC "Kamet-Steel”, the range of SVP sections has been expanded. In April, the first batch of SVP-33 was rolled for fellow miners from Pokrovsk.

Аrtm Laptеv
It should be recalled that last year, for the first time in Ukraine, in the conditions of the pipe billet mill, the plant mastered the production of the SVP-27 section, designed for fastening mine workings in mines. Previously, SVP profiles were produced at the Azovstal section rolling mill.
PJSC "Kamet-Steel" rolling mill workers have taken another step in expanding the range and added a new SVP-33 section to the lineup.
A highly professional team headed by the chief rolling mill specialist, Oleksandr Oliynyk, worked on the development of these products, which are in demand by Ukrainian mining enterprises. Deputy Head of Rolling Shop Artem Laptev, Head of Pipe Billet Section Oleg Kashevskiy, Head of Roll Turning Section Vitaliy Rovkov, Senior Foreman Vladislav Chuiko, Mill Foreman Gennady Udovik, engineering and working staff effectively implemented the existing experience in mastering the SVP section.
In particular, together with colleagues from the calibration bureau headed by the chief calibrator Serhiy Melnyk, during the manufacture of calibers on rolls, they managed to avoid shortcomings and comments that arose during the development of SVP-27.
Also, during the development of roller guides on the stand-900, design changes were made that add stability to the process of rolling a high-quality sections. By using these developments, roller guides were manufactured at the LLC "ZAPORIZHZHYA CASTING AND MECHANICAL WORKS" for fellow rolling mill workers from PJSC "Kamet-Steel".
"The development of the SVP-33 section is one of the successful results of April for the rolling shop. On the instructions of the company, we are restoring the product range partially lost due to hostilities, which is in high demand among domestic consumers, and at the same time expanding the range of marginal products of PJSC "Kamet-Steel", increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. The first 500 tonnes of the new mine props are ready for shipment to our fellow miners from Pokrovsk, who, despite the approaching hostilities, continue to work with us for the economy of Ukraine," says Artem LAPTЕV, Deputy Head of Rolling Shop at the Pipe Billet Section.