Breaking News 7/19/2024 Read 2 min

Rinat Akhmetov's greetings on the occasion of the Day of Metallurgists and Miners

Dear friends!

I sincerely wish you a happy Metallurgical and Mining Industry Workers' Day!

Unfortunately, for the third year in a row, we celebrate this day in the conditions of a full-scale war, to the sounds of air raids and explosions. Despite all the enemy's efforts to break us, the open pits, mines, and blast furnaces continue to live and operate. And with them, Ukraine's economy and industry continue to live and work. Thanks to you, Ukrainian metallurgists and miners. Thanks to your hard work, courage, and dedication.

I am convinced that true patriotism is not words. It is about taking action and showing courage, even in the toughest times, to stand with Ukraine—defending its freedom and independence, and contributing to its development and strength.

In peacetime, we all took pride in Metinvest's impressive steel projects—bridges, residential complexes, wind farms and ships. We took pride in the technical university, where we invested significant effort, resources, and expertise in its construction. We were proud of Metinvest's substantial contributions to the growth of the Ukrainian economy. Now, during these challenging times of war, we feel immense pride, respect, and gratitude for the steel shelters and bulletproof vests made from Ukrainian steel, which save the lives of our defenders, including nearly 8,000 Metinvest employees bravely protecting our land and freedom.

I sincerely thank each of you for your work, for your courage, for your true patriotism. Although we cannot yet celebrate your achievements on the grand scale you deserve, we will do so when we win—united as a single steel front!

May peace, joy, and the chance to fulfill your dreams and those of your children return to your homes soon. I wish you and your loved ones health and long-awaited just peace on Ukrainian soil.

Sincerely, Rinat Akhmetov