Specialists from METINVEST PROMSERVICE's Metallurgical Equipment Maintenance and Repair Shop at Branch 3 have mastered a high-quality and efficient technology for restoring critical equipment. Now, at the request of Kamet-Steel Sinter Shop, repairmen straighten pallet cars for sintering machines at the plant, which allows the company to reduce the cost of repairing this equipment several times.

Dmytro Lubenets
Pallet cars are very important in sinter production, and their smooth movement through the sintering machine ensures a stable process. However, during long operation at high temperatures, the steel structures of the cars are deformed, which disrupts the rhythm of movement. This can lead to a forced or even emergency shutdown of the sintering machine equipment, disruption of the production process and, as a result, a loss of sinter production.
Recently, pallet cars were sent for restoration to another city. From now on, such work is carried out by METINVEST PROMSERVICE's Metallurgical Equipment Maintenance and Repair Shop at their facilities at Kamet-Steel. As part of the preparation for mastering the new maintenance and repair technology, the unit's specialists made a stand-base for straightening the cars, as well as designed and manufactured counterweights. On this stand, the steel structures of the cars are heated to the required temperature and levelled under a certain weight. Then, control measurements and tests are carried out, and if the equipment meets the specified parameters, it is handed over to customers.
Before the equipment is put into operation, its components and mechanisms are inspected, and the car wheelsets are straightened and repaired - this work is carried out at METINVEST PROMSERVICE directly on the Sinter Plant site.
– The specialists of the METINVEST PROMSERVICE's Metallurgical Equipment Maintenance and Repair Shop have mastered this new type of repair, as the volume of orders from Kamet-Steel Sinter Shop for the restoration of pallet cars totals almost 260 pieces. We managed to reduce the cost of maintenance and repairs by four to five times compared to previous work at another enterprise. With our technology, the equipment does not need to be sent to another city, it does not leave the enterprise at all, meaning that logistics costs are excluded. Today, we are able to straighten 60 grate cars a month, making it possible for the plant, with which we work as a team, to significantly reduce the cost of this type of repair, – Dmytro LUBENETS, acting head of the metallurgical equipment repair shop, branch No. 3 of Metinvest Promservice, says.