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Safety 8/10/2023 Read 5 min

The skills of safe work with electrical installations were practised at Metinvest's PJSC Central GOK.

An instruction training for electrical staff was held at the Pelletizing Plant of the Central GOK, practising the skills of organizing safe operation in electrical installations.

The main task of the training is to increase the level of understanding of the need to comply with instructions and regulations on labour protection and to apply the acquired knowledge in practice to ensure personal and collective safety at workplaces.

The briefing was held at a dedicated training site for work in electrical installations. Valentyn Kutsenko, the Chief Power Engineer of the Pelletizing Plant, shared his knowledge and administered the "exams." Experts from the South-Eastern Interregional Department of the State Labor Service were also involved in the training, and they conducted surveys of participants and tested the knowledge of specialists.

During theoretical training, participants learned the initial causes of injuries, requirements for electrical safety at work, and organizational and technical measures to create safe working conditions and prevent accidents. 

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