Central Iron Ore Mining and Enrichment Works (Central GOK) has repaired KRD 900/100 crusher. Metinvest spent UAH 4 million to upgrade the equipment.
Operational improvements and equipment upgrade at Central GOK are carried out systematically, which allows to control the work of departments and improve production processes. The KRD 900/100 machine crushes ore at the second stage of crushing. Scheduled repairs and system maintenance help maintain optimal operation.

The main objectives of the next overhaul include replacing the cone armour, disk, and hydraulic cylinder of the crusher to ensure efficient crushing of iron ore raw material. As part of the repair, the eccentric and its middle ring, which are responsible for the kinematics of the crushing equipment, were also renewed.
"We strive to ensure the highest quality of products and fulfil our production plan in full. That is why our team continues to focus on continuously improving the technical condition of the equipment and enhancing production processes. The repair of the KRD 900/100 crusher is just one of the many steps we are taking to achieve our strategic goals," said Oleksandr IVASHURA, head of the crushing plant at Central GOK.