Humanitarian aid 10/2/2024 Read 5 min

Metinvest Pokrovskcoal helps evacuate families of employees

Metinvest Pokrovskcoal is committed to ensuring the safety of its employees' families. For this purpose, a free evacuation was arranged to the Lisova Kazka children's camp, located in a protected area near Kamianske in the Dnipropetrovsk region. In this peaceful location, away from infrastructure facilities, women with children can stay until the end of the war or for as long as they wish. The miners' wives shared with us how they are adapting to the new place.

Oleksandra HUBINA, wife of Yevhen Hubin, an underground area electrician at Pokrovske Colliery Group:

"We saw a message about the evacuation in Metinvest Pokrovskcoal's chat. I consulted with my husband, and we decided to take advantage of this opportunity since it was no longer safe to remain in Pokrovsk with children. Kamianske is not far away, allowing my husband to visit us at our evacuation location. I went with my daughter, Sofiia, who is in the second grade, and my mum.

It was very convenient that the company provided a bus for the evacuation, transporting us directly to the Lisova Kazka camp. A two-storey building was allocated for the families of employees. Our family are the only ones in the room so far. Our family is the only one in the room so far. However, if more people wish to relocate to a safe place, we will eventually have neighbours. This isn't a concern for me because we live here for free, and we have to make the best of it. These are not easy times for anyone right now.

The building is equipped with the necessary amenities, including refrigerators and washing machines. There are shared shower and toilet facilities on the floor. A kitchen and a mess room are located separately. We cook our own food here. There are enough stoves for everyone. Every family has its own table. We have already settled into the new place. Initially, we had concerns about whether the children would be able to study and where we would buy groceries, as the camp is located far from the city.

The company took care of this. There is a free bus to Kamianske once a week. We can travel to the supermarket and buy everything we need. In addition, a mobile shop comes here twice a week to sell a variety of goods. If something is not available, it can be ordered for the next delivery. Locals bring fresh vegetables and dairy products.

Sofiia studies in a children's room furnished with tables and chairs. Our family is happy with everything here, especially since it is nearly impossible to find rental properties at a reasonable price these days. And we can stay in the camp even until the end of the war".

Nina DEMIANOVA, wife of Ivan Demianov, an underground miner for No.2 Area roadway repairs at Pokrovske Colliery Group:

"My husband and I have three children. The eldest, Tymur, is 15 years old, the middle daughter, Tetiana, is seven, and the youngest, Mariana, is only three. When the situation in region worsened, we decided to evacuate so that my husband would not worry and could go to work with his mind at peace. Our children's lives and health are the most important things. Here, in this safe location, they can study and sleep peacefully without being shaken by the sound of explosions.

We packaged a lot of clothes, warm garments, food, kitchenware, and tableware. We traveled on a spacious, comfortable bus, so we did not have to carry our bags around. We are grateful to the company for attending to every detail. Upon our arrival at Lisova Kazka, the director and administrator were already waiting for us. The check-in process was really quick. Soon after, the company delivered additional refrigerators and washing machines – sufficient for everyone. The household appliances were brand new and unused.

As time went by, the children settled in and found friends. The conditions are very nice here, the camp is surrounded by the forest. Extraordinary nature, fresh air. The little ones spend a lot of time outdoors. At home, it was no longer safe to play outside. There are many playgrounds, and everywhere is clean and tidy. And, most importantly, it is quiet. With no sounds of explosions, life here is peaceful.

While some may worry about living with others, it is not an issue at all. The camp's administration makes sure that the rules are followed. Alcohol consumption is prohibited on the premises, and smoking is permitted only in designated areas. All housewives have enough space in the kitchen. There is never a line, our children are fed. When the power goes out, a generator is used".

Anastasiia OLIIINYK, wife of Serhii Oliinyk, an underground area electrician at Pokrovske Colliery Group:

"It is very unsafe in Pokrovsk now. Things are getting worse, with power outages lasting several days due to shelling, making online studying impossible. Our daughter, Olesia, is six, but she is already in the second grade. So we decided to use the evacuation programme for employees' families and go to a safe place. We brought our beloved pet – our little Yorkie – with us.

We are staying in a separate room. If more people come, we will have neighbours. We brought all the essentials for settling in. Soon after, my husband brought more things when he came to visit us. The conditions at the camp are very nice. And the biggest advantage is that Kamianske is located not far from Pokrovsk. It is not the same as going abroad, thousands of kilometers away. Serhii can visit us whenever he is free.

My husband no longer has to worry about how we are doing since our family is safe here. He can go to work with his mind at peace, providing for us and supporting the enterprise. Not once have we regretted choosing Lisova Kazka as our evacuation location".

Viktoriia NOVIKOVA, wife of Roman Novikov, a deputy area manager at Pokrovske Colliery Group:

"Even if they had not announced the mandatory evacuation of children in Pokrovsk, we still intended to leave as the city became increasingly unsafe each day. It is great that the company offered this amazing option. My husband and I have two sons. Kyrylo is eight, and Danylo is six. 8 The boys need to study in a peaceful environment, and the parents feel less stressed when the family is safe.

We were warmly welcomed, and they gave us a tour of the premises. Rooms have all the essentials: tables, chairs, wardrobes, and beds. We really liked the camp's grounds. The children have plenty of space to play. We brought laptops for their studies. I can help my sons with their homework, there is enough space in the designated room.

We also have access to medical services if needed. A doctor comes to the camp once a month. In case of an emergency, an ambulance can be called. Time flies by quickly here. By the time you finish cooking and checking homework, it is already evening. We have brought rollerblades and scooters with us, so the boys do not get bored in their free time. On the contrary, they began to communicate more with their peers in the camp.

We women have also formed a close-knit community here. We have elected one of the women as the superintendent of the building, responsible for creating rosters. We also go out together on clean-up days to tidy up the grounds, mess room, and children's room. We do all this for the comfort of everyone. When the power goes out, we have a walk outside and socialize. This brings us closer. And, most importantly, it is safe here, and it is a paradise for the children.