Specialists of repair and maintenance company, "METINVEST-PROMSERVICE", LLC, carried out a major overhaul of “1700” Plate Mill and BOF No. 2 equipment set at PJSC “ILYICH IRON & STEEL WORKS” of Metinvest Group. Operability of manufacturing units was restored to the designed parameters just in time.
The repairs in “1700” Plate Mill of MMKI lasted for four days. During that time, 600 employees of "METINVEST-PROMSERVICE" performed more than 1,000 names of work items. In particular, geared roughing stand No. 1 was fixed, bending blocks were replaced and water-cooled side guides were repaired on Stand No. 2. Bending roller cooling system was restored on the intermediate re-winder. Assembly units and mechanisms as well as pinch and forming rolls were replaced on coilers.
The main works were concentrated upon repair of heating furnace No. 1 where a 12-meter water-cooled beam was practically re-manufactured. The slab pusher foundation was covered with concrete, and lining was daubed with refractory compound.
At the same time, the specialists of "METINVEST-PROMSERVICE" successfully completed a large “cold” repair of MMKI BOF No. 2. A team of 140 repairmen from 4 units of the enterprise worked onsite for six days

In addition to the planned set of works on BOF No. 2, the employees of "METINVEST-PROMSERVICE" performed reconstruction of converter shop main building wind strut in order to install slag cut-off system by “MONOCON” company, which will make it possible to reduce amount of slag getting into steel teeming ladles.
— work coordinator, head of steel making equipment maintenance and repair area No. 4 of "METINVEST-PROMSERVICE" Aleksandr PEREGUDOV.Along with that, lance and BOF swing drives were fixed, and a number of works were performed on flux handling route. Hoppers for solid slag mixture were rerouted. Isolation valves were replaced, and boiler feed piping was repaired. Gas exhaust duct and dedustimg system were checked.
Equipment that functions properly serves as an insurance of successful and efficient production. Thanks to teamwork of ”PROMSERVICE” maintenance and repair specialists, all the tasks assigned are completed with high quality and in due time which is important for continuous steel making process to be ensured. The specialists of our enterprise help maintain production units in operational condition by restoring their technical parameters, participate in construction of new production facilities.
— acting General Director of "METINVEST-PROMSERVICE", LLC, Andrey ZHUK.