Heroes Among Us 8/8/2024 Read 7 min

Dialogue for support: in Zaporizhzhia, the project "Speak up, Veteran"

In Zaporizhzhia, with the support of Metinvest, a large-scale project for war veterans "Speak up, Veteran" is ongoing.

The purpose of the platform "Speak up, Veteran", which works in Zaporizhzhia and Kryvyi Rih, is an open dialogue between war veterans and experts in various fields to identify and solve the challenges faced by the defenders of Ukraine after returning from the front. The project is implemented by NGO "Zaporizhzhia. Platform for Joint Actions" and "Kryvyi Rih Foundation of the Future" with the financial support of Metinvest Group. 

In the hub "Zaporizhzhia. Platform for Joint Actions", the second panel discussion was held on the topic: "Topical Issues of Legal Support for War Veterans" with the participation of the representatives of Zaporizhzhia City Council, Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works, the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia region, professional specialists – lawyers, psychologists, doctors and other organizations that provide support to veterans in various fields. 

During the meeting, the veterans voiced problematic legal issues regarding payments and obtaining statuses.

"Upon returning from service because of an injury that caused disability, I had a lot of legal questions. I still can't get compensation for an injury, for example. I hope that this conversation will be useful both for me and for the functions that will accompany veterans in civilian life in the future," says veteran Anatoliy UZLOV.

Veteran policy is a priority for Zaporizhzhia, officials say. Therefore, the project "Speak up, Veteran" is not only support for veterans, but also opportunities for their development in civilian life.

"We must be ready not only to hear about the problems of people returning from the war, but also to solve them here and now. In Zaporizhzhia, veteran policy is one of the key areas. The Council of Veterans and the Council of Wives of Fallen Heroes have already been established. We are preparing our staff to work with veterans, strengthening the department of defenders, which receives veterans on a daily basis. We involve non-governmental organizations in legal, psychological assistance, employment and informing veterans about the mechanisms and policies that are currently working in our city," said Regina KHARCHENKO, Secretary of Zaporizhzhia City Council.

Zaporizhstal worker and war veteran Oleksandr Panchenko is attending the "Speak up,Veteran" meetings for the second time. He hopes that the project will help him and his brothers-in-arm to understand all the problematic issues. 

"Each veteran has their own personal request that needs to be addressed. How to undergo treatment, where exactly to go, what are the state programmes for social protection – many brothers-in-arm do not know the answers to these questions upon their return. Therefore, it is necessary to talk more about it, to convey information to the public. These meetings are very useful!," says veteran Oleksandr PANCHENKO.

As part of the project "Speak up, Veteran", veterans will receive free legal advice from experts. 

"The most common requests are to obtain the status of a combatant, a person with a disability as a result of the war. Generally, other issues tend to be more relevant to the families of veterans. These include establishing the status of a missing person, securing compensation, and applying for a one-time financial payment in the event a family member died on the front. We are ready to help with all these and other issues," says lawyer Danylo UCHKIN.

At the meeting, Zaporizhstal specialists share their experience with veteran reintegration and adaptation, highlighting the plant's support programme for servicemen returning from the front.

"The transition back to civilian life is never easy, as it brings about many changes—not just for the veteran, but for everyone involved in the process, including employers. We’re navigating this challenging journey alongside our veterans: we're helping with treatment, prosthetics, and providing psychological support. We're offering jobs, retraining, and supporting in teams. An important issue on the way to the reintegration of veterans is legal support. Thanks to this event, our veterans will find all the necessary information about social guarantees, benefits, the procedure for granting statuses, protection of the rights of military personnel, which are provided by the state," said Maxim PED, HR Director of Zaporizhstal. 

Today, Metinvest employs 60,000 employees, more than 8,000 employees are currently serving in the army, and almost a thousand have returned from the war and started working for the company. Almost 200 female and male veterans started working at Zaporizhstal alone after being discharged from the army. 

As part of the project "Speak Up, Veteran", other meetings are planned in Zaporizhzhia and Kryvyi Rih to discuss the relevant issues of veterans' integration.