During the war, Concentrating Factory "SVIATO-VARVARYNSKA" of Metinvest Pokrovskcoal became one of the enterprises that support the country's defence capability. Despite the difficulties, the factory continues to operate, implement investment projects, train staff and provide a large package of social benefits to its employees.
To mark the 15th anniversary of the factory's putting into operation, General Director Anatolii REDKA told us how the workers of the concentrating factory have transformed the production process to meet the new conditions and shared the plans for the future.
– Anatolii Mykolaiovych, two years of the full-scale war have forced us to look for new approaches to transform the production. Please tell us what has been done and what were the most difficult challenges?
– Since the outbreak of hostilities, we have had to quickly adapt to the new realities of life. The first challenge we faced was staff loss, which was over 30%. Thanks to the prompt redistribution of responsibilities among the remaining employees, the factory continued to operate as usual and fulfil all obligations.
A mechanism has been developed that takes into account the contribution of each employee and provides for an increase in salary for an expanded service area and for combining professions. Also, all employees currently working at the factory receive a wartime allowance.
Another important task was to create safe working conditions for employees. To do this, we developed emergency procedures. We equipped a shelter with everything we need: communications, internet, ventilation, heating devices, drinking water and food supplies. We duplicated the dispatcher's workplace in the shelter. In the event of a power outage, we installed generators, equipped sleeping places and organised the distribution of food packages.
The teams of the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Chief Power Engineer and Automation departments considered the possibility of using analogues of spare parts available in finished goods warehouses in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to repair the equipment. The team of the mechanical workshop developed and implemented solutions to extend the service life of extremely worn equipment components and surfaces, which helped to avoid emergency production shutdowns until the supply logistics were established.
The challenging situation in the country and in our region has united the team around a common goal - to work and do everything possible to bring peace to our country as soon as possible.

– The factory, like every other enterprise, has certain targets to meet. And despite the war, the team is doing an excellent job. But we know that it is very difficult to look for new markets now because the occupiers have destroyed Metinvest's main steel plants. How do you get out of this situation?
– During martial law, we faced the problem of losing two of our largest consumers of coal concentrate. We switched to the production of concentrate with the same ash content, which allowed us to improve our beneficiation parameters. During the year, we could expand the geography of our customers abroad. These include such European companies as Dunaferr (Hungary), U.S. Steel (Slovakia), Voestalpine (Austria) and ACCIAIERIE D'ITALIA S.P.A. (Italy).
In addition, in 2023, for the first time since our company's existence, coal concentrate was shipped to Asian countries, such companies as VISA Commodities (India), SHREEJI COKE & ENERGY PTY LTD (India), JINDAL COKE LIMITED (India), CHINA MINMETALS GROUP (TANGSHAN CAOFEIDIAN) ORE HOLDINGS CO.
LTD. (China), E-Commodities Holdings Limited (China). In total, 7% of concentrate were shipped to Asian countries. In 2023, the share of coal concentrate shipped for export in the total production volume was increased to 30%, which is 932.7 thousand tonnes of products. Last year, the concentrating factory did not receive any quality claims from consumers. This is the result of the hard work of our specialists.
Concentrating Factory "Sviato-Varvarynska" has once again proved to be a reliable partner for both the enterprises of Metinvest Pokrovskcoal and European plants. By the end of 2023, the plan for the shipment of commercial concentrate was fulfilled by 101%, while meeting all quality parameters. This result was achieved due to the right priorities, continuous improvement of the production process, use of modern equipment, process automation and high professionalism of the workers.
44.8 million tonnes of concentrate were produced by the work team of Concentrating Factory "Sviato-Varvarynska" over 15 years
– Despite the full-scale military operations, the factory is implementing investment programmes that were launched before the war. Tell us about them in more detail. What other changes have taken place at the factory?
– The reconstruction of the flotation department, which started in 2019, was completed in 2023. All the goals set before the reconstruction were achieved. In 2022-2023, we replaced the equipment that had reached the end of its useful life with modern and efficient equipment that had not been used in Ukraine before: an AS11-3 precipitation and filter centrifuge made by the German division of ANDRITZ, WOW 1.1 vibrating centrifuges from FUGOR (Poland), and screens from Conn Weld Industries, LLC (USA). We also completed the conversion of the flotation department to unclassified feed with a particle size of 0.0-0.2 mm, excluding hydrocyclones of the second classification stage and pumps with a total installed capacity of 1,000 kW. The effect of the implementation of this measure in 2023 was about $200 thousand.
The reliability of the supporting steel structures of some modules of the main building was increased. Where reinforcement was not possible, the old steel structures and roof trusses were completely replaced. The integrity of the flooring in the areas of movement of factory workers was also restored.
All the above measures made it possible to maintain a high level of labour performance and increase production efficiency.
– It would be interesting to know how much run-of-mine coal the plant has processed since the beginning of its existence? If we divide this figure by the number of employees, we find out the contribution of each member of the team to the common cause.
– Since the beginning of its existence, the plant has processed 81.7 million tons of run-of-mine coal. The average number of employees was 556 employees. That is, 147 thousand tons for each employee.
On March 15, 2024, the factory's staff processed the first million tons of run-of-mine coal mined by the miners of CG "Pokrovske" this year and produced 521,000 tons of high-quality concentrate
– Because of the war, a large part of the people left the region. But new workers came to replace them. Who is now "making the chronicle of the enterprise" and making a new history? Name the best specialists and their contribution to the development of the factory.
– Everyone who joined the team of Sviato-Varvarynska during this period made and continues to make a significant contribution to the stability of its work. These are production director Oleksiy Bobir, head of the investment department Vitaly Grigoriev, shift chief Andriy Lyaksa, rock dump master Roman Makarov, engineers and specialists of the capital construction and building repair department and others. Each of them is a professional in their field and is able to perform all the tasks.
– At the end of the interview, I would like to ask: what are the company's plans for the coming years?
– Due to the fact that there is a shortage of qualified workers in the region, the priority plans are to increase the level of automation of production, the development of video surveillance systems, the installation of the most reliable and efficient equipment instead of equipment that has exhausted its resource.
It is planned to continue the work on improving the reliability of supporting metal structures and wall fencing of the main building and other structures of the factory, overhaul of the VSK building, and construction of a new rock dump.
– Mr. Anatoly, what would you like to wish to the team of Sviato-Varvarynska?
– Today, when our country is fighting for its future in a difficult and decisive time, you remain the foundation for the development of a new Ukraine. I am convinced that your work, your perseverance, and faith will be highly appreciated by your descendants, and your labour feats will not be forgotten.
I wish you and your families health, peace, unity, success, and victories. I wish that the support of relatives does not allow you to give up and inspires you to go only forward. Together we will overcome all the obstacles! Happy holiday!