Safety 5/7/2024 Read 4 min

Metinvest's Northern GOK carefully monitors the condition of personal protective equipment

For the Northern GOK business units, a device was purchased to check the serviceability of respiratory protective equipment. The company allocated UAH 1 million for the implementation of the occupational health and safety project.

The fire department and business units of Northern GOK are equipped with breathing equipment – respirators with mouthpieces and full-face respirators, ventilators. In order for special equipment to be completely ready for use when required, it is necessary to regularly check the parameters of its operation. From now on, breathing apparatus will be checked at the enterprise with the help of the Dezega CheckUp device, one of the world's largest developers and manufacturers of mine rescue equipment by Dezega.

"It will now be possible to monitor the serviceability of respirators and ventilators automatically. To do this, the equipment to be tested is connected to Dezega CheckUp, the necessary programme is selected, and then the device alternatively tests all components and assemblies: pumps in air, creates a vacuum, increases pressure. Then it records the parameters and displays them on the monitor. After that, we can adjust the apparatuses if certain deviations are detected. If it is necessary to use PPE to protect the respiratory system, we will be sure that our employees will not have the risk of poisoning with harmful substances, and if artificial ventilation is necessary, we will provide high-quality first aid," said Viktor ZADOROZHNYI, head of the fire department of Northern GOK.

Specialists of the fire department of Northern GOK carry out systematic work on the prevention, organisation and control of fire safety. The enterprise regularly conducts briefings and trainings both for its employees and for contractors' employees. All business units are provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment. Therefore, the percentage of emergencies with fires at the GOK is minimised.