Central Iron Ore Enrichment Works has completed comprehensive repairs of two grinding mills at its ore concentration plant. The scheduled upgrade of the process plant units will prevent emergency downtime and ensure continued 24/7 operation of the equipment.
The revamped MShTs 4.5х6.0 and MShTs 3.6х5.0 grinding mills have already been installed and are performing their intended function - grinding ore raw materials at the initial stage of concentrate production. In one hour, the equipment grinds 205 tonnes and 85 tonnes of ore, respectively.
During the repair, the MShTs 4.5×6.0 mill was fitted with a refurbished loading spout critical to the efficient ore charging, as well as a new feeder casing and new scoops. To increase the service life and reduce the need for frequent replacement of the trommel, it was decided to use a rubber device instead of a metal one, which makes it possible to extend the life span from eight months to 3 years. In addition, the mill was equipped with new liners, and the alignment of the drive and other work were carried out directly on the site, where the process equipment operates.

For the MShTs 3.6х5.0, specialists replaced the spout and the composite housing and installed new scoops, liners, etc.
The process plant units were assembled in two weeks at one of the repair sites of the concentration plant, and their installation on the site took 48 and 24 hours.