Modernization 11/7/2023 Read 4 min

Metinvest's Central GZK Pushes Ahead with Energy Efficiency Projects


Another energy saving pilot project to install modern heat pumps has been implemented at Central GZK's facilities. The project will reduce the plant's consumption by almost 800 Gcal of thermal energy worth a total of UAH 2.4 million per year.

In order to reduce the company's energy costs, namely the cost of thermal energy, Central GZK's specialists together with the experts from YASNO Energy Efficiency  installed new smart equipment in the  administrative and amenity buildings of the Hihant-Hlyboka mine and the buildings that house the personnel recruitment and development department (former training centre). 

The facilities to install modern Cooper&Hunter heat pumps were picked for a reason. These buildings are located at a considerable distance from the industrial site of Central GZK, so they received heat from the utility company Kryvorizhteplomerezha with a hefty price tag.

This autumn, six heat pumps were installed and connected to the internal heating network in the mine's administrative building and three in the building on Mussorgsky Street. From now on, the smart heat pump control system will allow regulating the heat supply to the heating system depending on the ambient and indoor temperatures. The controller detects the temperature delta and automatically starts the heat pumps to produce heat. This ensures the optimal use of thermal energy for heating and reduces the cost of its production. This means that the buildings will now automatically maintain the optimum temperature that meets sanitary standards.

Besides, taking into account differentiated electricity tariffs, the smart system will maximise heating of the buildings at night, and during peak hours, the controller will ensure that the heat pumps operate to maintain a comfortable temperature.

"Despite the challenging times, we are pushing ahead with innovative projects at all sites of Central GZK. This helps us improve working conditions, increase industrial safety, and conserve resources. Thanks to energy-efficient and modern technologies, we produce competitive products that are in high demand on global markets," said Dmytro Shevchyk, General Director of Metinvest Group's Central GZK.

"Such projects are of particular importance on the eve of the heating season at enterprises as heating bills rise sharply. This issue can be resolved by modern energy-efficient solutions that we offer to our clients and which have already been proven by specialists at Metinvest's Central GZK ," said Yevhen Tarasiuk, Director of YASNO Energy Efficiency.