Through its Saving Lives humanitarian initiative, Metinvest Group organised recreation trips during the autumn holidays for 45 children of employees from its Ukrainian enterprises. This project was funded by partners of the United Coal Foundation established by UCC, the American coal mining arm of Metinvest.
The Synevir Camp, located near Lake Synevir in the Carpathians, hosted children of ATO veterans and combatants, employees with war-related disabilities, mobilised employees serving in combat zones or recovering from serious wounds, and families of employees who perished or sustained severe injuries during shelling of civilian infrastructure. Children of those killed or missing in action were also included.

For eight days, children from Metinvest’s 13 Ukrainian enterprises enjoyed many guided tours, mountain hikes, contests, quests, concerts, and campfires.
"We are doing everything possible to ensure that the children of our defenders feel supported and hopeful for a better tomorrow. During the autumn holidays, they had a chance to relax, recharge, and recreate. Guided tours, various activities, and socialising helped them overcome anxiety and enjoy new, positive experiences. Wellness programmes that improve mental health not only foster a comfortable corporate climate, but also represent an investment in the future, as happy children grow to become responsible adults," said Tetiana PETRUK, Metinvest Group’s Director of Sustainable Development and HR.

Notably, this summer, Metinvest arranged recreation tours for 100 children of employees who got killed in military duty, were captured, went missing, or are veterans who returned to work at company enterprises after demobilisation.

The Saving Lives humanitarian initiative was launched by Metinvest Group in concert with the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation on the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the project has supported over half a million people, providing 4,200 tonnes of food and hygiene items to Ukrainians and medical supplies and equipment worth UAH 9.5 million to hospitals.
The initiative has brought together ten foundations and civil society organisations alongside over 250 donor companies worldwide. The total aid received from donors exceeds €2.8 million.
Saving Lives focuses on providing prosthetic care and rehabilitation to Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, as well as improving psychological and emotional well-being of women and children. Nearly 1,200 women and children have received psychological support and rehabilitation through the initiative since the war began.