Breaking News 9/23/2024 Read 7 min

Metinvest Held Customer Focus Conference at Kamet Steel

The second offline customer focus conference was held by Metinvest Group. This time it was on the Kamet Steel platform. The event united top managers and specialists from Ukrainian and foreign companies, as well as the company's commercial, technology and quality directorates.

The one-day forum's agenda focused on identifying current trends in the evolving steel market and establishing key strategies for Metinvest's metallurgical, commercial, and logistics enterprises to meet modern customer demands and compete with global steel industry leaders.

Dmytro Nikolaienko

"We are currently operating during a difficult period. Maintaining our established status and reputation is not a simple task. Our consumers understand and support us. Our task is to hold our current positions despite challenges, as the steel market is competitive due to a worldwide decrease in demand. Hence, the primary objective of the conference is to gain insight into the various approaches we need to take and strategies to effectively 'restart' our program with key consumers. The top priority on the list today is the personalized approach to each customer, regular technical visits to our consumers, essentially everything that will assist in meeting clients' needs," said Dmytro NIKOLAIENKO, Commercial Director of Metinvest Group.

Over the years of operation in the context of Russian military aggression, the metal market situation has changed significantly. Currently, the European market, one of the world's largest client markets, has become a top priority for the company's enterprises. For further effective operation, Ukrainian metallurgist have to strengthen their presence within the European market.

Ukrainian metallurgists continue to uphold product quality and client services, despite facing economic, logistical, and energy challenges. This enables them to meet the demands of European consumers and compete with global steel industry leaders, even in the face of restrictions. However, effective steps are needed at every enterprise daily in order to boost the competitiveness of our products alongside global manufacturers.

At the conference, several reports discussed technologies and actions to enhance product quality and customer service. The topic that attracted the most attention was the report of mastering the production of continuous casting steel billets using stop-casting technology at Kamet Steel's BOF Shop.

Discussion of the reports in the working groups allowed us to identify a number of actions to further improve product quality and customer service. Particularly, Kamet Steel is about to launch work on the development and implementation of technical actions aimed at improving the quality of rail steel and decreasing the package weight of rebar that is shipped to European consumers. One of the key requirements is small-tonnage packages."

Oleksanrd Tretiakov

Oleksanrd TRETIAKOV, Kamet-Steel Director General, says, "Kamet Steel alongside with other enterprises of the company actively is acquiring European market, and this sets us new challenges and brings the company's team in a zone of special responsibility. First, everything is focused on European and domestic markets including our main development strategies, mastering of new technologies and expanding our product portfolio. Despite all objective challenges, we ensure contractual delivery terms of products and are constantly working to enhance our product quality for our clients. Above all, our clients trust us. Therefore, I believe that as a result of the conference, we receive new goals, ideas, proposals and objectives, the implementation of which will continue to provide the company and our company with a confident position in the market, and our consumers with decent European customer service.